Connect With Nature. Connect With Yourself!

Reinforcing the sacred, mutual connection to plants through plant music and workshops.

Bamboo Basic




Peace Lilly Strings Cordyline Celeste

Plant Music



Plant Music

Nourish Your Creativity and Your Soul

Our powerful Music of the Plants devices empower plant life to communicate and express themselves in ways which capture our hearts and imaginations.


Join in a Plant Music Experience, from Intro to Deep Connection

Be renewed with joyous Plant Music Downloads and CDs

Hear music from your plants every day with your own Plant Music Device


1978 Music of the Plants Created the First Instrument Prototype 



About Plant Consciousness



Ambassadors of Music of the Plants


International Events

And Media Publications All Around the World

Why Plant Music

Perfect for all Families

Perfect for all Families

The pleasant music from your plants supports relaxation, creativity, mental focus and emotional well-being.

Wellness & Healing

Wellness & Healing

Plant music has holistic healing properties. Practitioners have seen the benefits in physical recovery and overall healing.

Wellness & Healing

Live Music Sessions

Connect with nature through music. Inter-species music is a renewing, new genre where plants and humans play together.



You can hear and feel the “sound of nature”, its consciousness and the ancient connections between people and the plant kingdom.



It improves ecological awareness and respect for our environment by providing a practical experience of plant abilities and intelligence.



Become your own researcher by visualising the electromagnetic behaviour of your plants with Bamboo Control Software.

Hear Voices of Nature

Peace Lilly and cordyline

Peace Lilly playing Strings and Cordyline on Celeste

Hear the dynamic flow between these two plant musicians. Composed and performed by Peace Lilly playing Strings and Cordyline on Celeste. 60 mins, great for bringing you into balance, releasing stress, setting a cheerful or creative mood, and helping people to release feel-good hormones.

Ginkgo: How it Works and Plays

Ginkgo is the evolution of plant music to give you only the best experience with no-frills. The focus is on essentiality and ease of use. Simple, pure and elegant design.

Music profiles are designed so that your emotional state can deeply tune in to the plant.



John Doe's Image
“I highly recommend Regina’s sessions they are a fun great easy way to connect with nature and benefit from the meditative effects.”

Jennifer, Artist, Melbourne, VIC

John Doe's Image
“The wonderful invitation into the world of plant language is irresistible. To hear a plant’s communication is further testament to how totally connected we are to our planet. It is a wonderful and magical experience.

I encourage you to take the opportunity to hear this form of communication. We talk, they do too and we cannot understand each other, but that is where the magic lies. We love having them in our lives and now there is another way to enjoy plants. I find it very exciting.”

Doug, Warburton, VIC

John Doe's Image
“Our times doing plant music were the major highlight for me personally. It was totally wonderful and I’m so grateful that you were there.”

Pollyanna, CEO TreeSisters Australia, QLD

John Doe's Image
“The work you do is incredibly powerful Regina and so important- especially now when we can’t be physically together- the themes we all shared on Sunday were amazing to me in the sense that we are all missing real life connection and we all need nature!

I found an article about the vagus nerve too after you’d mentioned it- it’s funny how the universe gives you what you need when you need it isn’t it!

I’m so lucky to have met you and I love working with you.”

Kate, Melbourne, VIC

John Doe's Image
“Regina Orchard is one of those people you are so glad you met! I met her and plant music at the 7 Sisters festival – her area at the time was a tranquil and grounded space full of intriguing sounds and relaxing pillows, blankets and beautiful souls.

Since then I have purchase a bamboo and use it in my therapy room and in my music with great success and interest from others.

Regina herself has a gentle warm energy, she is totally genuine, caring and keen to share how to communicate with plants – in these times of separation, polarity and lack of physical connection Regina and Plant Music offer a chance to immerse ourselves in an ancient connection and art form – and the healing connection with mother Gaia.”

Rosey, Mornington Peninsula, VIC

John Doe's Image
“Yes it has arrived and what a un-explainable experience to hear a plant for the first time.

I have asked to join the facebook page and look forward to the sharings, the info and being a part of this fabulous new world of plant music.”

Asharnaye, Hibiscus Dreaming, Flinders Ranges, SA

John Doe's Image
“Just finished a group session with Regina Orchard of Tune into Plants, * Full Moon Arts Workshop.*

Listening to the music of Regina’s plants playing in the back ground allowed the energies to filter deeply into my body. Such a beautiful feeling.

I chose to work with my Swiss Cheese Ivy Plant. I loved the message my plant lovingly shared with me.”

Nicole, Mornington Peninsula, VIC

John Doe's Image
“Out of all the workshops that have been here at the centre, this was one that I would do again and again, it is so heart opening, and heart connecting, for anyone, any age. Listening to the plants singing music is just an incredible experience, but to participate in this workshop is truly a day to remember.

I loved it so much that we have one of our plants playing at the centre all the time, everyone comments on it, and some are purely mesmerised, as I am.”

Jenny, Owner, The Diamond Light Healing & Workshop Centre, Warburton, VIC

John Doe's Image
“I participated in Regina’s workshop today- there were five of us who came together on zoom and connected through listening to each other and to the beautiful plant songs. I was reminded that connection to other is so important- more so now than ever while we are in lockdown.

I was also reminded about how much art making and nature are life giving and enriching. Thank you so much for holding space today Regina.”

Kate, Melbourne, VIC

John Doe's Image
“The plant music experience is so amazing, giving meaning and understanding to our connection to all living things. Providing a deep and valuable experience physically, mentally, emotionally, spirituality and energetically. Something worth doing. “

Lynette, Retired Social Worker, Melbourne, VIC

John Doe's Image
“The magic of hearing a plant communicating with you is a thrilling thing to hear and feel. The benefits for me are de-stressing and oft a gleeful smile. My plants grow exponentially after these sessions too.

Try sounding or singing, or playing music to them or with them.. Wonderful experience, l would recommend it to all."

Barbara Songbird, Yarra Valley, VIC

John Doe's Image
“I highly recommend Regina’s sessions they are a fun great easy way to connect with nature and benefit from the meditative effects.”

Jennifer, Artist, Melbourne, VIC

John Doe's Image
“Our times doing plant music were the major highlight for me personally. It was totally wonderful and I’m so grateful that you were there.”

Pollyanna, CEO TreeSisters Australia, QLD

John Doe's Image
“Yes it has arrived and what a un-explainable experience to hear a plant for the first time.

I have asked to join the facebook page and look forward to the sharings, the info and being a part of this fabulous new world of plant music.”

Asharnaye, Hibiscus Dreaming, Flinders Ranges, SA

John Doe's Image
“Out of all the workshops that have been here at the centre, this was one that I would do again and again, it is so heart opening, and heart connecting, for anyone, any age. Listening to the plants singing music is just an incredible experience, but to participate in this workshop is truly a day to remember.

I loved it so much that we have one of our plants playing at the centre all the time, everyone comments on it, and some are purely mesmerised, as I am.”

Jenny, Owner, The Diamond Light Healing & Workshop Centre, Warburton, VIC

John Doe's Image
“The plant music experience is so amazing, giving meaning and understanding to our connection to all living things. Providing a deep and valuable experience physically, mentally, emotionally, spirituality and energetically. Something worth doing. “

Lynette, Retired Social Worker, Melbourne, VIC

John Doe's Image
“The magic of hearing a plant communicating with you is a thrilling thing to hear and feel. The benefits for me are de-stressing and oft a gleeful smile. My plants grow exponentially after these sessions too.

Try sounding or singing, or playing music to them or with them.. Wonderful experience, l would recommend it to all."

Barbara Songbird, Yarra Valley, VIC

About Us

Author | Therapist | Healer

About Regina

Plant Music Australia is a creation of Regina Orchard. 

From massage and art therapy to writing her own book, Regina has been working with people for over 30 years. 

Her business was already focused on how we are all connected - but in 2018, Regina discovered the Music of the Plants. 

‘Connecting with nature has been scientifically proven to be beneficial for our physical and mental health’

After this discovery, the natural next step in her career was to combine her passion for facilitating wellness with the plant music instruments. 

Today, Plant Music Australia offers workshops, sound journeys, and other events that help people reconnect with nature, and themselves. 


Free Plant Music Meditations

Experience the world of plant music. Sign up for our free series and discover the power of nature  through a taster of three plant music meditations.


By Regina Orchard 13 May, 2024
Bill's Varied Performances This Week
By Admin 27 Mar, 2023
It is our time! 2023 has begun with a rush of forward energy and many sensitive visionaries I know are on the move. Dreams are quickly manifesting, bringing more light to our beautiful world. Those of us drawn to plants and plant music tend to hold inner-strength – we’ve persisted in our beliefs, visions and missions. We’ve known it’s important. However, we are also quite sensitive. For a moment let’s look back. Like me, over many years, has life often felt hostile to you? More meanness or violence than you’d like? Too much pain inflicted on too many? If you’re wounded or defeated, this is normal, but there is good news and I’m going to share it with you. We are entering into a unique time in history. How is this time different? Thousands of people all around the world are accelerating the pace of their missions. And not only the people. The energies, the plants, the spirits. We are all entering into a uniquely exhilarating time to be alive. It may not feel that way, since there are so many critical problems in this world. However, things are changing. I witness so many people co-creating new ways to live and thrive, keen CommUnity participation and Knowing We Are All One. It’s so delicious. And although you may feel separate from this movement, the truth is that we are united by our key values. You are not alone. There are communities around the world that are available to support you. But if you don’t have immediate access to a community of humans, the community of plants exists world-wide, right in your backyard, your local park and even your house plants! Plants bring their own special flavour of patient, compassionate support to help us strong, creative souls. To my utter amazement the plant music I’ve heard has been endlessly loving. Despite our culture’s disconnection and slashing and burning of the natural environment, the plants give us specific healing if we request it. They show love to us, their long lost brothers and sisters. My intuitive guess, mixed with some quantum understandings, is that the plants live in a higher dimension, perhaps the fifth. Their actions are on their own level and they don’t usually allow themselves to come lower than love. It’s wonderful for us that plants are master healers. Plant music is a way for us to easily tune into the rebalancing bio-resonances, almost anywhere or any time. And there are even really tiny, light weight plants! My friend and I listened to her small air plant Eric that she brought on holiday with her, carried in a glass bubble. It’s the first time I’ve heard one. His music delighted us and sent her off to sleep happily at night. Plant music has many documented health benefits as it supports our nervous and immune systems, so you don’t have to trust me on this. You can find out about more, including instruments and experiences at
By Admin 27 Mar, 2023
Do you know that indigenous people used to sit amongst a plant to receive its healing energies and specific qualities? Or drink the dew from their flowers or leaves? And now we make and bottle flower essences because water is shown to hold the shape of the frequencies – see video explaining work of Masaru Emoto The healing vibrations of plants are available to us in many ways – through our eyes, hearing them as sound through plant music, touching, sensing, smelling and when its safe they can be tasted. This morning I was walking with a friend in one of our favourite spots, a gully that looks like we're well away from the suburbs. We hike up the steps beside the creek and feel enlivened. Right from the beginning the mauve/blue morning glories were wide open, a colourful and cheery carpet up a steep slope. As we walked they trailed over trees, railings and the gully until we reached a place where evidently the local Friends group had cleared them away. I know this is understandably a pest weed plant as it covers everything. As we paused to survey that beauty in front of us and listen to the birds, I wondered what the benefits of the morning glory flower essence might be, having learned that all the plants that grow around us are helpful for us in various ways, even and perhaps especially the weeds, as they are the bossy intruders. I recalled unexpected physical benefit of blue-green algae many years ago when it first seemed to be a massive problem. Severe water pollution in lakes and rivers fed the algae so it grew in overwhelming numbers. After a while it turned out the algae wasn’t a problem, it was the clean-up team to restore health to the waterways. I tuned in and wondered at the beautiful backdrop these vigorous Morning Glories would make for a celebratory photo shoot. Why would there be so many here? “Because it’s a weed that’s why” is what most people would respond, but from much experience I know there’s more. I was chatting with my friend, so didn’t connect too deeply with the plants right then, but still It felt to me that perhaps it was for depression or similar thoughts, bringing joy and life to us, inviting us to wake up and feel. Back home I soon googled “benefits of morning glory flower essences”. Here are the 4 headings that popped up and caught my eye. “Awakens the spirit bringing vitality, fresh energy and radiance.” Also “Relieves exhaustion, assists in intuition and shining your light.” From “Releasing addictive patterns. Helps shift patterns that may have been part of your upbringing, or your family history, and are controlling your life and seem impossible to shift. It helps unravel unwanted behaviours and let go of past situations.” “Re-setting the body clock to the refreshing, health-giving forces of the morning.” And as if that isn’t enough, here’s a final gem, “❀ Morning Glory helps us accept and find the light and absorb it into the body and soul. With this said, it combats chaos, darkness, and refreshes the body and soul from habits and activities (drinking, late-night eating, lack of sleep, etc.) that do not give health to it.” My initial feelings or intuition about the morning glory plants were pretty close to the mark, and there was more to discover. It will make my future visits with the morning glory more meaningful as I breathe deeply and tune into their gifts.  I invite you to consider or to research the plants that are around you, and how they may be there to help you.
By admin 15 Feb, 2023
I was sobbing deeply and quietly as I sat in meditation with 100 other women under a tent roof, in the welcoming Australian bush. My heart was crying out, grieving for the beauty of long ago memories of an experience. It seemed hundreds of years ago, deep in a European forest. We women were in a ceremony with ancient trees, connecting our energies and receiving their plant wisdom. One ritual was running along a stretch of trees and lovingly touching the majestic trunks while singing to them. Since that time about 8 years ago I have felt strong urges to spend more time with big trees. Does that come from a long genetic line which has lived as family with the plant kingdom? Recalling that meditation, I realise that my strong connection to plant music was inevitable. The day, four years ago, that I first heard about Music of the Plants, at the Elements of Happiness in Seaford, was the same day that I first heard plant music. The two Damanhur teachers connected my mint plant to their instrument and my heart opened deeply as I experienced the mint’s music. Months followed where hour after hour I felt my body was being fed and healed by the plants’ music – I had many plants that would play for hours. We learned a lot that first day, and later went to a grove of trees and learned more about having a conversation with a tree. It’s a similar process to what I’d learned decades before when working with making and using flower essences. After meditation each person would allow themselves to be drawn to a plant, and to feel the beneficial effects it would cause as an essence – or indeed simply from being with it. It seemed amazing the transfer of knowledge or understanding. It is my pleasure and honour to share what I have learned with others. There is so much to receive from trees and plants. Here is a brief list of what we cover in our workshops as experientially as possible, so that you know it for yourself: How plant music is created Examples of plant music situations that help us see plant wisdom and consciousness even though they have a different structure to animals. Plant Music is very healing and can be specific to each person, matched to their physical, mental, spiritual and emotional needs. The plant kingdom wishes to return to the ways/times when people and plants had strong bonds and interplay. They miss us and are calling us back. Trees are antennas which connect with other trees around the world. They attract and ground light frequencies into mother earth. Communication and conversations with plants and their age old wisdom is assisted by slowing down to a plant speed, using intuition and all of the bodily senses. These are skills that we are all developing at this time to connect with plants, animals and people using extra sensory perception or telepathy. To join us for upcoming workshops and events email and for information on this site or watch for events on facebook or join our mailing list to be told first and receive exclusive offers, and find out more about our stock of Music of the Plants instruments, accessories, music and Selfica .

Embrace Wellness Through Nature

We welcome you to connect to the beautiful world of plants. Feel free to contact us directly, and we’ll get back to you. 


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